Preparation for Tutorial #3

Online Introduction to Irish Celtic Shamanism

Your Preparation Before Tutorial #3

Ní thóg gé fiáin góislín ceansa

(Phoentically: knee-hohg-gay-feeawn-goishleen-keyahnsa)

A wild goose never reared a tame gosling ~ Irish Saying

To Have With You: 

*Your Lia/Stone. This is the stone that you brought to the 1st and 2nd Tutorial. If you have mislaid it, no problem. Simply ask permission of Mother Earth, local to where you live, to grant you another stone/lia. Hold the intention to call forth one that knows the medicine you need from your Irish Celtic Shamanism journey.

*Your journal, pen/pencil.

 *Drinking water.

 *Pillow and blanket/covering when lying down.

Continue to practice facing the Four Directions, beginning with North, turning deosal (clockwise) to East, then South, then West. Practice connecting downwards to Mother Earth, upwards to Father Sky. Finish by bringing your hand(s) to your Heart. As before, move through this sacred choreography slowly, being with your breath, alive and observant of all feelings, sensations within and about you. 

Consider having in place an item that acknowledges the power of the Irish shamanic tradition which can be understood as the same as an honouring of your Celtic heart/consciousness. This can be an item of jewellery, clothing, a piece of music you might listen to before the Tutorial, a photograph, an item of Ireland that is sacred to you, such as an artefact, etc. 

At any time before the 3rd Tutorial, write in your journal:

*What are the outstanding lived experiences in your life in recent days that you see as an outcome of participating in Tutorial #2?

*Note what you remember most of Tutorial #2. Highlight the sections of the tutorial that caught your interest the most and the sections the least. How is this exercise helping you prepare for Tutorial #3?

*How has Mother Nature been speaking to you in the days since the Tutorial #2?

Once again at any time before the Tutorial #3, give a gift to Nature. Something organic like a fruit, vegetable or seed. Blow with your breath into the gift, a breath of gratitude to all of Nature. Blow a 2nd breath into the gift, a breath of acknowledgment to your Ancestors and the Ancestors of the land where you live. (You do not need to know factual information about these Ancestors, simply hold the recommended intention in your breath). Blow a 3rd breath into the gift before giving it to the Earth, a breath of appreciation for all that is to come into your life, expected and unexpected, anticipated and unanticipated, as a consequence of taking part in the 3rd tutorial of this Introduction to Irish Shamanism. Be very observant of Nature before, during and after this ritual. Ask permission of the Nature place to allow you put your gift there, so that it can be received. Listen with your heart, your will know if permission is granted. (If it is not, ask to be directed to a suitable other location).

Seek to self-care in the 24/48 hours leading up to the Tutorial as much as possible. Rest, hydrate, eat healthily, be in Nature, include any regular personal practice (such as yoga, meditation, exercise), note dreams remembered.

Tagann an chliseacht le cleachtadh an tsaoil.

[Phonetically: “Tag-ann on klish-awcht le clack-ta on tseal.”]

Wisdom comes with experience ~ Irish Saying

slianchroi       Copyright @slianchroi. All rights reserved.

Seán de Cantúail agus Caireann Níc an Bhaird

John Cantwell and Karen Ward

Tel: 01-670 4905   Skype: slianchroi Website: Fb: Sli An Chroi

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