Certified Therapists
Certified Practitioner Listing
Below you will find a listing of Slí an Chroí graduates and trainees worldwide. Please contact them directly for individual details of their services.
Roseleen McNally
The Thirsty Soul, Summerhill Co. Meath
- 086 889 8433
- info@thethirstysoul.com
- www.thethirstysoul.com
- Online & In-Person
Dei Glennon
Dublin City
- 087 9526 000
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Ellen Shilling
BlackrockDublin, Ireland
- 086 682 4401
- info@ellenshilling.ie
- www.ellenshilling.ie
- Online & In-Person
Sharon Day
Dublin 11
- 086 8902 520
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Alan Anderson
Navan,Co. Meath
- 086 406 9087
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Leona Lea
Riverdale House, Main Street, Clonee, Dublin 15, D15 YT3Y
- 086 837 1070
- leona@myownspace.ie
- www.myownspace.ie
Sarah Jane Cleary
- 085 140 1727
- sarahjanecleary81@gmail.com
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Eimear Burke
The Old Rectory Three Castles Co.Kilkenny
- 087 275 7365
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Susana Nunes De Abreu
24 Frederick St. South, Co Dublin
- 085 883 9424
- tuningfork14@gmail.com
- www.tuningforkspirit.com
Vivienne Carty
Killeen Cottage,Narraghmore,Co. Kildare
- 087 775 0923
- viviennecarty1@gmail.com
- Instagram viv_support
- Online
Elaine Ní Chiardha
Three Bells Healing Centre,Gainstown,Navan.Co. Meath
- 087 666 1927
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Caroline Flynn
2, Clone Ferns Enniscorthy Co Wexford
- 087 8303 801
- arco_iris_flynn@hotmail.com
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Estela Virko
Dublin, Ireland
Session in in Lithuanias, Russian & English
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- estela.virko@gmail.com
- @modernshamanlife
- Online & In-Person
Sherrie Scott
Mermaids Healing Arts CentreRossnowlaghCo. Donegal
- 086 0811 217
- info@sherriescott.ie
- www.sherriescott.ie
- Online
Lee-Ann O'Leary
Co. Monaghan
- +353 87 7698918
- oakleafholistics@gmail.com
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- Online
Jayne Patterson
Dungannon, Tyrone
- 074 6923 7085
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- www.elementalearth.co.uk/
- Online & In-Person
Niamh Jones
The Headford Wellbeing Centre, Greenfields, Headford, Co Galway
- 087 9031 784
- info@headfordwellbeingcentre.com
- www.headfordwellbeingcentre.com
Sinéad Carr Lisantri
Co. Galway
- 087 9860134
- sineadcarrlisantri@gmail.com
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- Online & In-Person
Marguerite Brady
The Marguerite Brady School Of Reflexology & Natural Medicine Clinic, 29 Ard Breeda, Loughrea, Co Galway
- 086 0356 970
- africanreflexology@gmail.com
- Bradyafricanreflexology
Andrea Kelly
Tarmonbarry, Co. Roscommon
- +353 83 3089905
- info@saposspirit.com
- www.saposspirit.com/shaman
- Online
Stephanie Mahon Garrett
Galway, Ireland
- stephaniegarrett68@gmail.com
- www.saposspirit.com/shaman
- Online and In-Person
Michelle Hall
Galway, Ireland
Trish Davern
Co. Limerick
- 089 413 9290
- trishdav@hotmail.com
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Catherine O Grady
Co. Limerick
- 086 195 3537
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- www.nirvanatherapycentre.com
Noreen Rooney
Blackthorn Cottage,Ballysteena,Cloughjordan,Co Tipperary
- 086 1703 364
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Ciarán King
Oslo, Norway
- ciaran.l.king@gmail.com
- Online & In-Person
Nora Maddock
Crete, Greece
- noramaddock@gmail.com
- Online & In-Person
Christine Volz
Valencia, Spain
Sessions in Spanish, German or English
- christinevolz@googlemail.com
- Online & In-Person
USA & Canada
United states & Canada
Karen McAllister
British Columbia, Canada
- mcallister.karen1@gmail.com
- Online & In-Person
Lisa Gale
Houston, Texas, USA
- lisaisabellagale@gmail.com
- www.lisaisabellagale.com
- Online & In-Person
Naz Fouladi
Pennsylvania, USA
Charlotte Eleá
California, USA
Brad Armstrong
West Virginia, USA
- soulswanderinghome@gmail.com
- soulswanderinghome.com
- Online & In-Person
Lori M. Vellutini
New Orleans, USA
- VividKameleon@msn.com
- Online and In-Person
Vanessa Tedesco
Massachusetts, USA
- thetedescos@verizon.net
- Online and In-Person
Erin Drummond
Minesota, USA
- erin.drummond@gmail.com
- Online and In-Person