Clinic Practice
To Sit With a Shamanic Healer
In the oldest tradition of sharing our challenges and achieving breakthroughs, to sit in the company of a fellow human is revealing and insightful. In the societies of our Ancestors, the Shaman was traditionally one who survived a personal health crisis but emerged with a spiritual awareness and a prowess in balancing energies that was of tremendous benefit to others in the community. Side by side with this function, the Shaman was called upon for Ritual and Ceremony that nourished beneficial energies for all the people, animals, plants and the land.
The Shaman was a ‘seer’, one who has the ability to perceive, navigate and negotiate energies ordinarily ‘invisible’. Thus the Shaman was called upon to beckon souls to be physically conceived, assist the departure of souls after physical death and every concern of a soul’s journey in between. The voices of the Ancestors, the mountains, the trees, the seas and rivers were heard and relayed by the Shaman. One meaning of the word Shaman, is poetically ‘one who knows’.
The Benefits of an Irish Celtic Shamanic Healing Session
Be your challenge physical, psycho-emotional or psycho-spiritual, we lay the path for breakthrough by taking you on the way of the heart. This is to seek the stages of recovery with a compassionate template.
Consequently, shamanic healing can, in one or few appointments, achieve what is possible after months or years of exposure to other healing modalities.
Working from the maxim that all illness is a consequence of an imbalance of energies, they track and identify this before bringing forward techniques for energy release and renewal. In essence, the challenge or issue one is experiencing is remedied from its deepest roots, that of the pure energy causing it.
What to Expect
As contemporary shamanic healers, we hold a strong honouring of this ancient and continually evolving tradition, offering a warm, safe, empathetic and non- judgemental setting for your personal healing journey.You will have the opportunity for a brief phone consultation before an appointment is made, being reassured that this treatment is a good match for you.A warm welcome is assured at our Clinic in Dublin. There you will receive a more detailed consultation and together will decide on the best treatment available from our repetoire of Irish shamanic techniques.
The shamanic tradition holds that our healing journeys require more than the achievement of new awareness of the causes of our symptoms. Our completed journey requires transformation and consolidation.
The blend of Energy Medicine techniques and shamanic counselling (a sensitive, perceptive programme for onward holistic development), offered by us effectively bring about that transformation and consolidation.
"To heal from the place of our soul and to heal from the place of our heart is a far-sighted healing choice rich in indigenous wisdom."
John Cantwell
When we live a life of destiny, we are living a life chosen by us.
The ancient art of ‘Screeing’ is when the Shaman looks to their medicine bundle and calls upon Spirit to bring to the surface of linear time what is already known in sacred time. From this we can find new awareness and strategy for issues in our lives that require light and clarity.
Screeing is also an art of calling forth from the darkness of our subconscious with the illumination of Spirit, i.e. raising what is known, but that cannot yet be told. In this sense it is true Divination. When it comes to the major dilemmas and questions in our lives, we are often in a place where the energies at work in the issue have reached a place of hiding or stagnation.
Divination in the form of Screeing is a valuable ritual and tool to create forward momentum towards realisation and resolution. Many in the world yearn for insightful wisdom that bring us closer to the answers to our questions of love, work, health, residence, personal fulfilment and development. Screeing is a way to lead the questioner to a place of authentic progress with a divination technique of integrity.
John also augments Screeing using the stones from his Mála Naofa (Mawl-ah Neigh-fa) medicine bundle with energy field and ancestral tracking, intuitive Tarot reflection and kinesiology. A Divination appointment with him includes shamanic counselling and being guided into the practical steps required to apply your new learning that is a result of Divination. He works subtly from the ethos of drawing the maximum from your intuition and instinct, providing an empowerment that confirms your personal vision, self healing resources and abilities to courageously bring positive change into your life. This Divination work is rooted in what the Shaman calls ‘destiny retrieval’ rather than ‘fate awareness’. When we live from a sense of fate, we are living a life chosen for us. When we live a life of destiny, we are living a life chosen by us.
Booking Your Appointment
Throughout the year we continue to facilitate outreach programmes into various environments such as corporate workplaces, schools and universities, community centres, hospitals, hospice and addiction recovery centres.
In Slí An Chroí, we hold integrity, safety and respect as core values in all shamanic practice and healing. When our heart begins to open, heal and find courage to adventure, only then do we step into an experience of humanity that shifts the horizons that once limited us.
Whether through individual healing, training and/or coming into community with us, may you find the connection to your heart and to the greater world that you yearn for.
In Person Sessions
John works with a 2 hour appointment time frame which carries an investment of €175.
“With my approach, clients often find it valuable to record the shamanic counselling aspect of working with me. Listening back after your appointment may assist your emergence substantially and release you from the pressure of trying to remember everything said in the moment. Many mobile phones have a voice recording facility or you may want to bring a dictaphone.
Karen is currently seeing clients in 1 – 1.5 hour appointments @ €100.00 each. She incorporates her Counselling Psychotherapy skills into her shamanic work.
Online (Distance) Sessions
We also offer a distance practice, whereby we work with people nationally and worldwide who cannot be physically present at our Clinic using telephone, Skype or Zoom. If you are seeking such an appointment and live outside of Ireland, please contact us by e mail or by using the following contacts: Tel: 00 353 1 670 4905 or Skype; ‘slianchroi’.
Hospital / Hospice
For people who are physically unable to attend our Clinic, but who wish us to be by their side, we do our utmost to facilitate outcalls to personal and care homes, hospitals and hospice when we can. This is very specialised work of the heart which may include the Death Rites at end of life.
The clinic is fully booked. We recommend visiting our list of certified therapists who are trained under Slí an Chroí.