The Online Healers Spiral
Shamanic Energy Medicine Therapy Training
The Healers Spiral is the optional Energy Medicine Training module within The Mastery Spiral. There are multiple practices and techniques in The Mastery Spiral that support this, therefore the Energy Medicine Training Module (The Healers Spiral) is undertaken only as part of The Mastery Spiral.
Whereas the Medicine Spiral builds strong self-practice and the Mastery Spiral offers advanced healing practices for those carrying a full Mála, the Healers Spiral is dedicated to training techniques for the healing of others. This comprehensive training, which is closely supervised, is taken to certificate level for professional practice. The Healers Spiral has an exquisite intrinsic worth of holding these powerful healing techniques for each student during the training days. The video clip below gifts you a tantalising glimpse of what the training entails but please keep in mind that the times are different (not 4 weekends as said but 2 weekends and then 3 Sunday sessions) and Karen is the teacher supported by John.
What You Will Learn and Experience
The shamanic energy therapist works with intention and the highest of ethics to track the clients issue energetically during a detailed entrance interview. Observing the presenting symptoms (whether physical, psycho-emotional, spiritual), the therapist assists them unearth the root of their blockage energetically. They can then gently, with consent, lead the client into a safe altered state to facilitate the self-clearing of energy that is ‘toxic’ including the cutting of unhealthy enegetic ties to culminate in a restoration of energy balance within their aura. The shamanic therapist may also identify that the presenting symptoms are caused by a prior loss of energy and the remedial course is to assist the return this ‘soul loss’ energy to the client’s energy field. In conjunction with providing interventions to restore energetic balance, the therapist offers the client shamanic counsel towards awareness of how these ‘energetic events’ can be understood on the level of the heart and soul.
This allows the person to see their healing experience as a significant, sacred step on their personal journey to wholeness and to truly honour the lifeforce within them. The shamanic energy therapist assists the client to realise the positive health achieved on the energetic-spiritual level into the physical, psychological and emotional levels. Thus viewing the health of the individual holistically while deeply attuned to the interweaving of their energy field into all aspects of well-being. If a person does not address ‘toxic’ energies present or significant ‘losses’ of energy, in time these conditions can lead to chronic and acute symptoms that present as serious illness and disease. These may range from stress to anxiety, relationship, familial and generational issues to abuse and depression. The Healers Spiral will teach you how to address these safely in clinical practice. Ideally you will have experience as a therapist in such modalities as Counselling/Reiki or similar.
North Direction
In January, the last month of Winter, we gather for the core of the Healers Spiral training. These two compulsory weekends will teach you the shamanic Energy Therapy Technique from the Irish Celtic tradition. This has been devised and researched by Dr Karen Ward as a unique practice of the bio-psycho-spiritual field at academic level. At Slí An Chroí we are delighted to bring the cutting edge technique to you through this powerful and unique training.
The human energy field during the ups and downs of a normal lifetime will inevitably result in toxic ‘heavy’ energy known as ‘trom’ which blocks a healthy aura. This is removed by the client facilitated by the shamanic energy therapist during the these life changing clinical sessions. This corresponds with falling away of the client’s affinities to the original ‘wounding’ that informed the presence of this toxic blockage. The energy field is restored to a more optimum level of function, leading to superior emotional, psychological and physical responses of the client to their issue.
There are many, many benefits of this technique and outstanding among them are consciousness expansions, overcoming unwanted repetitive behaviour or belief patterns, shedding adult legacies from negative birth and childhood experiences.
North Direction continued
Through the ‘doors’ (chakras) of the human energy field, including the three ‘cauldrons’, enter a myriad of positive energies and the majority of these bring sustenance from our relationships to loved ones, social communities, animals and the natural environment. However from these sources energies that are regarded as trom or heavy and toxic can also enter. Many are due to unresolved ‘wounds’ in those who were/are our caretakers and other individuals who were/are in a significant relationship with us.
Indeed, the increasing pollution of our natural environment, along with increasing numbers of electro-magnetic fields, (internal/external electrical systems, microwave-based technology, etc.) as well as geopathically and psychically stressed landspaces all contribute to trom build up. Obviously, if we suffered any form of violation or abuse (even mild forms) on the energetic level, trom that may be extremely dense in nature has been placed in our energy field (aura) by the perpetrator/s. When the density of trom is acute, we refer to that energy as an ‘Intrusion’ as it conspires to bring about ill-health across the mind-body-spirit spectrum of the person.
The healing shamanic energy therapist has the ability to work with the client to identify the sources of intrusions and to offer an appropriate technique for their ‘extraction’. When some people are introduced to the phenomenon of intrusions and extractions, there is often an understandable response of fear and anxiety. This is not the response of the healing shaman, who calmly and safely brings about release and comfort from what is essentially a consequence of being alive.
Furthermore the training brings the ability to ensure the client is no longer susceptible to a similar form of intrusion in the future. In this way, the person lives with greater psychic protection following an extraction and is assisted to emerge free of damaging negative patterns and limiting beliefs that were conspired by the departed intrusion. Fear, guilt and shame have no place in the field of intrusions/ extractions for the healing shaman, who works on behalf of the client with power, compassion and non-judgement – qualities also encouraged in the outlook of the client.
North Direction continued
‘Soul loss’ is a naturally occurring short term, survival mechanism in human beings. On the occasions when we undergo severe fright or shock, literally a fragment of our essence, our lifeforce or soul splits away. By doing so, a diminished self continues living/surviving after the trauma. The part of our soul that holds the energy and greatest consciousness of the pain of the trauma separates from us, like the discarded fuel cell of a rising rocket. If this did not happen, the presence of the most wounded soul part of our whole soul would bring to bear full consciousness of the pain arising from the trauma and we would suffer a devastating breakdown and our survival would be in question.
While soul loss is a survival mechanism, if left unhealed in the longterm of our lives, it brings about a myriad of negative consequences. Because we are living from a less than complete lifeforce, our sense of self is limited and our capacities for fully expressing that self are also sabotaged. We suffer from reduced resources to deal with the challenges of everyday living and the person often becomes prematurely depleted physically and psycho-emotionally which stems from the original depletion on the energetic level – the soul loss. The outstanding symptom in an individual with soul loss is lack of safety and security. Not only is there a deficiency in security within the self, but the person lives in an ‘unsafe world’.
Soul retrieval is perhaps one of the greatest and most powerful healing rituals that only a shamanic energy therapist can bring to a fellow human being. In essence, the therapist shaman gently leads their client into a non-ordinary state of consciousness to locate and invite the lost soul part to return fully. This unique ability to faciliate the client vision and track so as to return their lost soul part, to ‘bring it home’ and integrate yields enormous restoration of health and power. A fragmented lifeforce is brought closer to wholeness.
North Direction continued
One of the ancient meanings of the word shaman is ‘one who has died many times’, a testimony to the exploration of death that is part of all shamanic cultures worldwide. An outcome of this practice is insight into the dying process, wrought from personal experience.
Accordingly, the healing shaman is ideally placed to be a figure of comfort, compassion and guidance to those who have left their physical bodies. Working from the understanding of the spiritual journey, the shamanic energy therapist can assist the someone who the client feels has not ‘crossed over’ to the Otherworld and needs assistance.
The therapist creates a sacred space for a loved one to make their final journey with as much serenity and consciousness as possible, no matter when their actual physical death. This includes an opportunity to bring peace and harmonious resolution to relationships that still hold the need to express love and forgiveness. Through gentle counselling and Energy Medicine, (Imbas, Extraction and Soul Retrieval), the therapist can be a formidable trustworthy and compassionate resource for client to assist the person who has died helping them find their ease towards a yearned for ‘sweet passing’.
In the cases of a fearful death or one undertaken with unresolved issues, the soul of the departed is often unable to ‘disconnect’ to an optimum level, thus impacting on their onward journey. The evidence of this is frequently witnessed in the nature of grieving in the survivors, which exhibit an inability to let their loved one move on.
The Irish tradition holds that our soul journeys through distinct realms of the Otherworld having left our physical bodies. Many people are familiar with this concept as understood by other traditions, such as the Eastern (Buddhist), in which the soul must navigate the Bardo planes. At these stages of the spiritual journey of the dead, the shamanic energy therapist can provide positive, healing intervention. Referred to as Psychopomp work, the therapist assists the client interact with the now altered energy field (aura) of the dead person to offer progressive transition to the soul’s onward flight in the Otherworld, upwards through the Bardo places.
Once again, the impact of this can be seen in survivors as their bereavement process shifts towards greater acceptance and calmness in relation to the spiritual welfare of their departed family member or friend. Psychopomp work can be of tremendous healing benefit in the cases of sudden or traumatic death in which there was insufficient time for the dead person to prepare for their passing. In some of these cases the soul of the dead person may not have come to terms with its new reality, be unable to move on and remains Earth-bound. The therapist helps the client assist them to resolve any issues and pass peacefully to the Otherworld.
The subsequent Directions are wonderful opportunities to practice together under close supervision. These shorter Sunday sessions will include learning the nuances of the shamanic techniques while celebrating their seasonal attributes. In between each Direction you will have plenty of time to practice with clients, family and friends as well as volunteers from your Mastery Spiral peers who are not on the Healers Spiral.
the east, south and west DIRECTIONS
Personal Growth
Deepen your own innate medicine
The Healers Spiral is also important for your own growth and transformation, as you will receive considerable energy medicine healing throughout the 4 directions especially the North. For many, the opportunity to practice healing for others brings our appreciation of Shamanism to a new level.
Our Mála Naofa (Mawl-ah Neigh-fa) sacred bundles and Cauldron develop into healing tools that are even more prized when they are used for the benefit of others. This changes the way we ‘carry’ them in our lives as ones who walk this path of sacred service. While the Healers Spiral is focused on imparting training in Energy Medicine and Shamanic Counselling, it is also a ‘Medicine Spiral’ in its own right. It offers a second deeper spiral through the four directions. This will push you further into the territories already explored in the North, East, South and West Directions of the first Medicine Spiral to work with confidence and safety as a Shamanic Therapist.
Energetic Roots
energetic-spiritual healing
The healing Shamanic Therapist believes that all our ailments, physical, psychological or emotional have an energetic-spiritual root. It is on this subtle level of our being that the healing shaman intervenes. These treatments bring a clearing or a replenishment which leads to superior health mentally and physically.
The Healers Spiral trains the fledgling Shamanic Therapist to identify the energetic root and to hold a variety of remedial techniques for positive transformation within the energy field (aura) of the client. There is no deeper level of life in which healing can take place, than on the energetic-spiritual. Our energy fields are neither created nor ended by physical birth and death. They are manifestations of that part of our being that is eternal and they allow us to witness and engage with, the mythic journey of our souls. This is where the Shamanic Therapist ‘sees’ and offers energy to bring positive holistic health and growth to another.
"The healing gift of energy medicine from one human to another is one of our species most profound acts of Spiritual compassion. We embrace our birthright to draw from the well of Light and to bring that water of new life to the heart of another. In going to the source of all Energy, of all Creation, of all Love, we reveal our truth, that we are in our essence, Gods and Goddesses."
John Cantwell
Upcoming Dates
- North Direction - 20th & 21st and 27th & 28th Jan 2024
- East Direction - 18th February 2024
- South Direction - 19th May 2024
- West Direction - 18th August 2024
There are 4 full day online Gatherings for the North Direction from 1.00pm-4.30pm & 5.30pm-9.00pm (Irish time) via Zoom. These are two consecutive weekends and it is compulsory to attend live due to the nature of this sacred work.
The East, South and West Directions are live online Gatherings on Sundays from 4.00-7.00pm (Irish time).
The recurring Zoom link for each Direction with preparatory information will be available with the Course material documents before each Tutorial on the website platform.
Places are booked by graduates of the Medicine Spiral as a subset of the Mastery Spiral.
A student may progress from the Medicine Spiral straight into Mastery Spiral and Healers Spiral. Also graduates of the Mastery Spiral in previous years may book a place on the Healers Spiral after a gap of a year or more.
A graduate student of the Medicine Spiral who wishes to book a place on the Healers Spiral which is run concurrently in the same year as the Mastery Spiral must have demonstrated a deep commitment to their personal shamanic practice during and after the Spiral. There is also a preliminary personal interview with Karen before a place on the Healers Spiral is awarded to anyone without previous therapeutic experience to discuss suitability. Not everyone who walks the shamanic path is called to offer energetic therapy to others.
The Healers Spiral Certification is awarded once all Tutorials are attended and case studies (part of the Course plus one extra per Direction) are completed. You will be supervised and guided towards working with clients.
The Healers Spiral is also the opportunity to journey onwards with your tuatha, your sacred tribe, bringing you deeper into circle with others with whom you have bonded by taking the Slí An Chroí shamanic path.
"The healing gift of energy medicine from one human to another is one of our species most profound acts of Spiritual compassion. We embrace our birthright to draw from the well of Light and to bring that water of new life to the heart of another. In going to the source of all Energy, of all Creation, of all Love, we reveal our truth, that we are in our essence, Gods and Goddesses."
John Cantwell
Upcoming Dates
- North Direction - 18th-20th September 2020
- East Direction - 4th-6th December 2020
- South Direction - 19th-21st February 2021
- West Direction - 23rd-25th April 2021
A warm, cosy and bright Community Space in Smithfield, Dublin City. There is no accomodation or food on this Spiral other than tea/coffee and snacks provided. There are plenty of excellent eateries offering hot, cold, vegetarian and vegan plus gluten free and non dairy options in the vicinity.
Places are booked by participants of a current Medicine Spiral (online or in-person training) during the training or by graduates of the Medicine Spiral after the training has been completed. A student may progress from the Medicine Spiral straight into Healers Spiral in the same calendar year and graduates of the Medicine Spiral in previous years may book a place on the Healers Spiral after a gap of a year or more.
A graduate student of the Medicine Spiral who wishes to book a place on the Healers Spiral must have demonstrated a deep commitment to their personal Shamanic practice during and after the Medicine Spiral. There is also a preliminary personal interview with John and Karen before a place on the Healers Spiral is awarded.
The Healers Spiral is worth doing purely for your own growth and transformation. If you opt for certification, you will be expected to do case studies, submit reports, accept supervision and will be guided towards working with clients. For those who wish to take the training, but not for certification, case studies, reports and supervision are not required. The Healers Spiral is also the opportunity to journey onwards with your tuatha, your sacred tribe, bringing you deeper into circle with others with whom you have bonded by taking the Slí An Chroí Shamanic path.
Shamanic Counselling and Energy Therapy
The Myth of Soul
In the Slí An Chroí approach, there is considerable expansion of native Irish energy techniques for transformation by informing them with those from other cultures. Running parallel with this Energy Therapy refinement is a model of Shamanic Counselling that allows the therapist to bring deep understanding and ‘ownership of the healing’ to the client. Through this, the person is offered conscious realisation and autonomy of the myth of their own soul.
This shamanic counselling aspect brings a knowing to the client on how to integrate the full impact of the energetic shifts into the literal levels of their life. There is sustaining self practice in the client that anchors in the healing and it provides a platform for continual holistic emergence. The Irish-Gaelic word for healing is ‘leigheas’, which also means retrieval and the Sli An Chroí model of shamanic healing holds dearly to the principle that we turn up fully for the healing of another, so that they may retrieve themselves.
Mastery of Living Energy for Healing
The Science of the soul
Shamans hold that to practice energy medicine is to know mastery of living energy, an epic prospect and one that is the birthright of all. This training offers the abilities to see and transform the energies that inform ill health. The practitioner of shamanic energy work brings healing to the client at soul level. As imbalances are perceived and rectified in the energy field, we help another to heal from the very core ‘foundation’ of themselves as a unique living organism.
This exquisite work allows us to enter the world of the ‘science of the soul’ and to bring greater sacredness to the life of another as we assist them to heal from their heart place. We learn to assist our clients by facilitating positive change on the energetic and mythic levels of the life. While esoteric, it is very real and is effective. This ancient tradition may be over 100,000 years old but it is still deeply relevant to the lives and issues we experience today as we face the globally shared ‘turning point’ in the evolution of humanity.
How to
Book Your Place
The Healers Spiral payment can be paid by Paypal/Stripe or direct bank transfer (email us via the Contact Us page for our bank details). We offer a range of payment options from Pay in Full to Instalments.
The Healers Spiral is a subset of the Mastery Spiral and both are exclusively for graduates of The Medicine Spiral. A path of ever deepening and expanding shamanic practice awaits you in this powerful tradition. The Mastery Spiral must be taken to sign up for the Healers Spiral as it holds important training and development that will be required in the optional energy therapy medicine module.
You join the Mastery Spiral and the Healers Spiral together in the one cycle. Read more about your options by clicking the button below.
How to
Book Your Place
The Healers Spiral has the option to be completed for both certification or non-certification. The former total investment is €1395.00 and the latter is €1,215.00. This does not include accomodation or meals. Snacks and tea/coffee are provided. A €195.00 Booking Fee secures your place. There are a number of ways to pay the balance during the Course.
Final payment is required by the last weekend in April. The deposit and balance(s) can be paid by Paypal / Stripe, cash or bank transfer.