Where to start with our offerings
Finding Your Next Step with Slí An Chroí
There is a specific starting point and sequence we recommend you approach in our shamanic trainings as we have designed a path of ever deepening and expanding shamanic practice which can take you from apprentice to master. We also offer you the ability to learn training techniques for the healing of others.
We also host events for people who desire to deepen their nature-based path of Celtic spirituality where no experience or training is needed.
1. Introduction to Irish Celtic Shamanism
This is a pre-requisite to continuing onto the Shamanic Trainings. The essence of this training returns to connecting to Nature through inspiring Rituals and Ceremonies from Ireland that awaken the inner mystic, inner teacher and inner healer within.
2. The Medicine Spiral
To take the Medicine Spiral Journey is to walk onto an ancient track of reflection, discovery and empowerment. If your Celtic Soul has a connection to Ireland, Nature, empowering mysticism and has heard the call to step further and deeper into the healing shamanic lineage of Ireland, then this training is for you. During this training you learn to grow your sacred bundle, ‘Mála naofa’ and receive Deasghnátha - Rites Of Initiation to awaken seeds of consciousness.
3. The Mastery Spiral
Exclusively for graduates of The Medicine Spiral, a path of ever deepening and expanding shamanic practice awaits and in tradition, begins with the North Direction at Samhain. By completing The Medicine Spiral you will have travelled substantially as 'a wounded healer' and become a living light in the Irish lineage of the shaman. The Mastery Spiral offers you the onward growth that takes you from apprentice to master.
4. The Healers Spiral
Whereas the Medicine Spiral builds strong self-practice and the Mastery Spiral offers advanced healing practices for those carrying a full Mála, the Healers Spiral is dedicated to teaching you to be a shamanic energy therapist for the healing of others. This comprehensive training, which is closely supervised, is certified for professional practice. Also the Healers Spiral has a deep intrinsic worth of holding these powerful healing techniques for both you and your loved ones.
Pathway of the Heart Shamanic Training Path
When we step into shamanic practice, our hearts take us on an epic path of discovery, power and beauty. It is the soul’s ‘journey home’, connecting us to the sacredness and magic of Life. This is the Pathway of the Heart.
Additional Shamanic Practices open to all
We have a variety of live, self-paced and free resources for those who feel called to deepen their nature based path of Celtic spirituality. Join our newsletter to be kept up-to-date with our offerings.
Wisdom Talks - Self Paced
Join us for a self-paced one hour heart warming session which is an opportunity to experience transpersonal tips and advice for ritual and ceremony. This is a way to deepen your nature based path of Celtic spirituality.
Cross-Quarter Celtic Festival Ceremonies
The Celtic Calendar is divided first into four segments – the Quarter Days of Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Autumn (Fall) Equinox and Winter Solstice, and then into the Cross-Quarter Days of Samhain, Imbolg, Bealtaine and Lughnasadh signalling the beginning of a new season and occurring half-way between the Equinoxes and Solstices. Together, the Quarter Days and Cross-Quarter Days spiral through each year in 8 distinct segments that reflect the natural progression of the seasons.The Society for Shamanic Practices (SSP) has always celebrated the Solstices and Equinoxes as part of their medicine wheel ceremonies and now you can join SSP too for this new member-benefit of Cross-Quarter Celtic Festival celebrations with international soul sisters and brothers.
Free: Drum Circle Self Paced
Join our Bodhrán Drum Circle open to all, inclusive and free. At Slí An Chroí this is our way to offer some solace and comfort to whoever yearns to be in like hearted community.
Free: Earth Hour Meditation
Shamans will say that we humans ‘are Nature’, rather than beings ‘in Nature’, observing from a distance, near or far. Earth Hour with Slí An Chroí (Pathway Of The Heart) invites you to move beyond observance of Earth Hour and into the heart of it, participating, activated, vitalised, pulsing as a dynamic living vibration of the event.